Signature d’un contrat de partenariat avec CIPE dans le cadre du projet SAHA

ADDINN Group Partners with the enter for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) for SAHA Project

A new chapter dawns for the National Instance for Evaluation and Accreditation in Health (INEAS), catalyzed by the inauguration of a visionary project aimed at enhancing and revamping the online training platform, with e-learning at its core. Working hand in hand, ADDINN Group has been entrusted to spearhead this transformative venture, embarking on a journey that promises to reshape the landscape of healthcare education in Tunisia.

Fortified by the steadfast support of the United States Embassy in Tunisia and the collaborative prowess of distinguished entities such as “BEDER,” “I Watch,” and the Ministry of Public Health.

Signature d’un contrat de partenariat avec CIPE dans le cadre du projet SAHA
A successful kick-off

On May 19, 2023, the project kick-off meeting took place to present the detailed work schedule and the project team ADDINN x INEAS x CIPE, as part of the 3rd working group “TRAINING, CERTIFICATION, AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT,” which is an integral part of the project « Supporting Good Governance in the Healthcare Sector (SAHA). »

A revamped online training platform :

The main objective of this project is to improve INEAS’s existing online training platform. This initiative aims to offer new learning perspectives to all healthcare professionals in Tunisia through an accessible and inclusive tool.

Signature d’un contrat de partenariat avec CIPE dans le cadre du projet SAHA

The redesign of the platform will enhance user experience and provide training tailored to the specific needs of each professional.

This new venture holds promises for the future and generates great enthusiasm within the Tunisian healthcare community.

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