ERP assurance | Digitalisation secteur assurance
Insurance ERP: A necessity for competitiveness in a changing market

Insurance ERP: A necessity for competitiveness in a changing market In the dynamic world of insurance, sector players operate within an ever-evolving commercial landscape. The rise of new digital players, the emergence of unprecedented customer demographic data, as well as the introduction of innovative technologies, are transforming the insurance scene. In this context, the adoption […]

Digitalisation de la gestion des sinistres dans le domaine de l'assurance
How digitization is revolutionizing claims management in the insurance industry

How digitization is revolutionizing claims management in the insurance industry At the dawn of the 21st century, a wave of digital changes has swept across economic horizons, profoundly reshaping industries’ operational methods and their interaction with customers. In this vast transformation, the insurance sector has stood out, creating fertile ground where technology has woven new […]